Facts about Mothers Day that You Really Didn’t Know Before.

While mother’s day gives enough reason to jubilate Mothers Day or Mothering Sunday, there are tons of stuff worth remembering about this great holiday.

Here we have shared some wonderful and unique facts about Mothers Day.

Amazing Mothers Day Facts

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According to the ancient myths, Greeks and Romans celebrated the festival of Mothers Day, by honoring the goddess Cybele, who was known as the great mother earth and goddess fertility, and Rhea, mother of all deities.

Mothers Day become a recognized holiday in the USA in 1914.

The very first Mothers Day was celebrated in the year 1908 which was invented by Anna Jarvis who inspired by her own mother.

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She founded that the Mother’s Day International Association and even trademarked with the phrase “Mother’s Day” celebrate on the second Sunday in the month of the MAY.

Julia Ward Howe first brought first mothers Day Celebration idea

A social activist, poet, and writer Julia Ward Howe first brought the idea of a celebration of Mothers Day in 1872. She staged an unusual protest in Boston for peace by commemorating a special day for mothers.

She wanted to grab attention to the need for peace by pointing out women who were left alone after the death of their sons and husband after


Japan’s Imperial family named their ancestry to Omikami Amaterasu, as the ‘Mother of the world’.


In the Bible, Mothers Day eve is credited with the ‘Mother of All the Living’.
In the vast majority of numerous worlds’ languages, the word for “mother” starts with the letter M.

Mother’s Day is the 3rd most celebrated festival in the world second to only Christmas and Easter festival all over the world.

In the US the amount of money spend on Mothers Day is approximate $ 15 billion.

More Quotes for MOTHERS DAY Wishiesh

Thank You are the two words I want to use to show gratitude for the two words you have given me – Perfect Life. Thanks, mom.


Your touch is healing, your voice is melodious and the motherly love that you shower on me is just heavenly. Thanks, mom.


The PUREST and TRUEST meaning of the word UNCONDITIONAL can only be found in a MOTHER’S LOVE. Thanks for everything mom

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